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Whole Bean Coffee Ethiopian Wolf Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Natural

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Our coffees are named after endangered or vulnerable species. We contribute to charities supportive of the protection of species at risk around the world. A Taste of Africa Coffee - Single origin, micro-lot coffees. Fresh roasted in frequent small batches. Simply delicious! Ethiopian Wolf Whole Bean Coffee Yirgacheffe Banko Dhadhato Natural This single-origin coffee is a luscious specialty coffee - fresh and fragrant. The Banko Dhadhato Cooperative has been producing this Natural Yirgacheffe since 2012. Banko Dhadhato Natural Yirgacheffe absorbs it's lovely fruit tones from the outer cherry. Sweet and juicy with stone fruits and apricot qualities, this coffee has a complex flavour you won't want to miss. Fair Trade and Organic. Grown at an altitude of between 1,650 to 2,500 metres. Harvested November through February. The lighter roast of this coffee allows the natural flavours to shine! Handcrafted Natural Sun-Dried Certified Organic Fair Trade The elegant, long-legged Ethiopian Wolf is only found in the mountains of Ethiopia, where no more than 500 survive in scattered populations threatened by habitat loss and disease. Ethiopian wolves are the guardians of the roof of Africa.
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